Self Adhesive PDLC Window Tint Smart Film For Car Window Black

Self Adhesive PDLC Window Tint Smart Film For Car Window Black
Product introduction
Intlight electric smart film is a kind of film that add liquid crystal polymer composite material in the middle of two transparent conductive film , in the absence of an electric field, the electric smart film isin an opaque state; when the alternating current passes through, the liquid crystal molecules can achieve an orderly arrangement, and the film changes from opaque state (OFF state) to transparent state (ON state). Through the electric field, the electric smart film can quickly switch from the open state to OFF state, and from the OFF state → open state.
Black Smart Film For Car Window Tint

Working Principle
ElectricsmartfilmconsistsoftwolayersofPET-ITOconductivefilmandthe intermediateliquidcrystalfilm.Whereintheliquidcrystalfilmmainlyconsists ofliquidcrystaldropletsandouterlayerofhighpolymer.Whenthepowerisoff,theliquidcrystaldropletsareindisordered arrangementstate,whenparallellightpassesthroughthepolymerand irradiatetotheliquidcrystalmaterial,becauseofrefractiveindexof theliquidcrystaldropletsislowerthantheotherouterpolymers,light inthesurfaceofliquidcrystaldropletsisdiffusedandscattered.the wholefilmbecomesopaque,appearsfrosted.Whenenergized,twoPET-ITO conductivefilmfunctionsasplanarelectrodes,whichmakestheliquid crystaldropletsorderlyarrangedperpendiculartothefilmsurface, wherebytheparallellightpassesthroughtheliquidcrystallayerwithout beingreflectedandrefracted,andlighttransmitstowholefilm,and smartfilmappearstransparent.

Product specification : Size can be customized, Standard roll size :1.52m*30.5m; Packing:drum inside,paper carton outside; the wire and electrodes can be installed according to customers' requirements.

Product features
1. the privacy(privacy protection function is the most important feature of the electric smart film , you can always control the state of opaque and transparent of the glass )
2. the projection function (the smart film can not only control the light , but also be a very good projection hard screen, and the projection function is very outstanding)
3. security ( with all the advantages of safety glass, including the security feature to prevent flying glass after broken, and good performance of anti-strike strength, sound insulation, heat insulation, UV blocking)
4. environment friendly (the electric smart film can block out 99% of ultraviolet and infrared, to protect the indoor equipment from fading and aging because of radiation and protects persons from skin disease because of ultraviolet radiation )
5.soundproofing (the electric smart film pasted to the glass, has a sound damping effect, and effectively deadens various kinds of noise )
1,Applied on a yacht, provides the best protection to your privacy, make the yacht instantly add a mysterious sense.
2,Used in cars, not only provides free, comfortable and safe environment, but also ensures the safety of persons and property inside the car to a greater extent .

1. How does Smart Film work?
In "Off State" when no electrical power is applied on the smart film the light is absorbed or scattered and the film looks dark gray or white. In "On State" the light is transmitted and the film looks transparent.And we can provide the video of installation!
2. What is the product lead time?
Lead time for PDLC Film Products is 7 days after received payment.
3. What is the size of your roll?
For white color: 1.0m, 1.2m, 1.45m, 1.52m width* 30m length,and length can custonized
For grey color: 1.25m, 1.5m width* 30m length,and length can custonized
4. What are your shipment terms?
We deliver it by air/express transportation.
Customer clear custom, release and deliver to final destination.
5. Is there a MOQ (Minimum of Quantity)?
MOQ is flexible, but special color based of 1 roll.
6. What is the expected life of your products?
Life expectancy is approximately 10 years or switch >2000000times.
Self Adhesive PDLC Window Tint Smart Film For Car Window Black